Cordula Daus

March 7, 2023



ein Vortrag von Cordula Daus im Rahmen der Reihe ‚relatifs
Kepler Salon
Rathausgasse 5
4020 Linz

In ihrem Vortrag spricht Cordula Daus über ihr aktuelles künstlerisches Forschungsprojekt „Outer Woman“ und die Herausforderung, sich einer entfremdenden Praxis, der Ektogenese, auf künstlerische und performative Weise zu nähern. Gemeinsam mit den Künstler*innen Sebastian Bark, [M] Dudeck und Charlotta Ruth, arbeitet sie an einer neuen Phänomenologie der Schwangerschaft bzw. des Schwangergehens. Dabei kommen verschiedene Verfahrensweisen zum Einsatz: Séancen, Atemübungen, Fragebögen, Mythen, Konversationsspiele und andere Formen experimentellen Ahnens.

Eine Veranstaltung der Kunstuniversität Linz (Abteilungen Kulturwissenschaft sowie Kunstgeschichte und Kunsttheorie) in Kooperation mit dem Kepler Salon
Gastgeberinnen: Anne von der Heiden, Jasmin Mersmann

Photo: Omégane Oursicronne
Photo: Omégane Oursicronne

February 5, 2023

Artist Residency in Millstatt

I’m very happy to have been invited to a residency at Villa North in Millstatt/Austria. Laurien Bachmann and Sebastian Six have created an amazing space to work and to co-inhabit. I’m enjoying the deers in the garden, Peter North’s book treasures and The Lake. Besides that: Working on Outer Woman, the podcast. I’ll be back in August!

Photo: Suchart Wannaset
Photo: Suchart Wannaset

October 26, 2022


Breeding Exercise

Tracing Presences
APL Practice(!)Symposium
Karlsplatz 5
1010 Vienna

Cordula Daus and Charlotta Ruth
with: [M] Dudeck (performance) and Roman Harrer (technical direction)


Let’s spell it out: What is performance?  What is ______ and what can _____ do beyond the ______ of art and  ______?

On behalf of the Angewandte Performance Laboratory Charlotta Ruth and I co-conceived the symposium’s opening. We will give a speech thrice, summon collective human intelligence and call upon witch craft. We will refill forms and liquids, misread manifestos and send messages from our guts. Come and breed with us!

Entry is free of charge, register here


image: Daus/Dudeck
image: Daus/Dudeck

September 28, 2022


Das Aufhebungsspiel
Outer Woman, Teil 1

Zentrum Fokus Forschung
Rustenschacherallee 2-4
1020 Wien
Eintritt frei

Cordula Daus mit Sebastian Bark, [M] Dudeck und Charlotta Ruth
Sprache: Englisch/Deutsch


Derzeit lagern Millionen von eingefrorenen menschlichen Embryonen in Laboren weltweit. Frühreife Lämmer wachsen in Plastikbeuteln heran. Mäuse-Embryonen werden in Bioreaktoren aus Stammzellen kreiert. Wir behaupten, Ektogenese, die Schaffung eines lebendigen Wesens außerhalb eines Körpers, ist Realität. Unter dieser Voraussetzung sucht das Projekt Outer Woman neue Perspektiven auf den menschlichen Reproduktionskomplex.

In Das Aufhebungsspiel wollen wir die kulturelle Praxis der Schwangerschaft einer Revision unterziehen. Aus welchen Elementen setzt sie sich zusammen? Was ist zu bewahren; was ist entbehrlich? Wir nähern uns dieser Aufgabe durch Live Action Role Playing, durch Übungen des Vorausahnens und Wunderns. Entfremdung ist unsere Methode.

Die frohe Botschaft lautet: Wir sind schwanger. Die Revolution ist da. Der Bauch ist leer. Das Werk ist unser!

Outer Woman wird gefördert vom Austrian Science Fund (FWF): V 797 Richter Programm inkl. Richter-PEEK.




Photo: Fabian Weiss
Photo: Fabian Weiss

September 7, 2022


Automated Writing

Zentrum Fokus Forschung
Rustenschacherallee 2-4
1020 Vienna

This workshop invites to a series of exercises that strategically confuse the binaries between free/automated writing and human/machine thinking. We will play with words, code and the relational space that emerges between participants. The focus is on how analogue and digitally interfered constrained writing can support experimental and collaborative thinking processes.

The exercises are part of Questionology an ongoing art project and research environment conceived by writer-artist Cordula Daus and choreographer Charlotta Ruth. Together with our collaborator, the programmer Simon Repp and the participants of the workshop we will activate some of Questionology’s core elements. The workshop takes place within the Almost Doctor Festival by Charlotta Ruth & friends.


July 1, 2022


Language-based Artistic Research

13th SAR Confererence 2022
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Hörsaal A

presented by: Emma Cocker, Cordula Daus and Lena Séraphin

In July we will be in Weimar, Germany, introducing the activities of the Special Interest Group of Language-based Artistic Research as part of the Society of Artistic Research Conference 2022. For a more detailed program please click here.

Still from: 'Video on'
Still from: 'Video on'

June 19 - 21, 2022


Kay, or a Case for Intensity

Zentrum Fokus Forschung
Rustenschacherallee 2-4
1020 Vienna

Kay, or a Case for Intensity is an artistic research (PhD in Art) by Cordula Daus. Within the context of the thesis defense the research will be presented in a format suitable for the work and in three modalities: A novel (publicly available in a reading room for three days), a performative reading with musical accompaniment, and a conversation. Furthermore, the thesis will be explained and defended in the form of a lecture (45 minutes) in front of the examination committee by the candidate herself.


photo: Björklund
photo: Björklund

May 31 - June 5, 2022

Wording – Writing in Public Space

Vasa, Finland

with: Emma Cocker, Andrea Coyotzi, Cordula Daus, Vidha Saumya, Lena Séraphin

conceived and organised by Lena Séraphin, and funded by the Pro Artibus Foundation.

A group of 5 writers will come together to write on the market square Salutorget in Vasa, Finland. The aim is to investigate collaborative writing in public space as a method and to try out different writing assignments – especially with a focus on the implications of writing in public space. Wording is inspired by the French writer Georges Perec and his experimental book Tentative d’épuisement d’un lieu parisien, or An Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris.

Interview with Dromedary, March 2022
Interview with Dromedary, March 2022

March 3 - 28, 2022

Artist Residency in the Moroccan Desert
Speculative Fiction in Art

Tissardmine/Moroccan Desert

with: Javi Acevedo, Alexander Cromer, Cordula Daus, [M] Dudeck, Marcin Gawin, Leomar Imperator, Marie-Andrée Pellerin, Martina Ramponi


February 15, 2022


Affinities + Urgencies in Language-based Artistic Research II

How can we support the emergence of different species of proximity and community within the field of expanded language-based practices: we-ness and near-ness; participation; observation; conversation; caring/curation; listening; hosting; guesting; audiencing; supporting; bearing witness; hearing out; sharing time; sharing resources, world-building?

A day-long online gathering comprised of a series of sessions led or facilitated by different individuals or groups for engaging with a specific thematic focus, a field of attraction and resonant affinity, or a matter of urgency relating to language-based artistic research. For more information on the programme, see here.

Organized by: Emma Cocker, Cordula Daus, Lena Séraphin and Alexander Damianisch

With contributions from: Rachel Armstrong | Breg Horemans | Rolf Hughes | Virginia Tassinari | Alex Arteaga | Rachel Armstrong | Emma Cocker | Christo Doherthy | Anne Mette Frandsen | Hélèn Frichot | Lidia Gasperoni | Luis Guerra | Rolf Hughes | Maiju Luokola | Jane Rendell | Stefan Winter | Rosie Heinrich | Sepideh Karami  | Steve Dutton | Adelheid Mers | Mariana Renthel | Anouk Hoogendoorn

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