Cordula Daus

December 7, 2021


Affinities + Urgencies in Language-based Artistic Research I

Online Gathering

Organized by: Emma Cocker, Cordula Daus, Lena Séraphin and Alexander Damianisch
For a more details see here.

With contributions from:
Kirsi Heimonen | Rebecca Hilton | Chrysa Parkinson | Leena Rouhiainen | Marjolijn van den Berg | Rachel Smith | Marinos Koutsomichalis | Rob Flint | Andrew Hauner | Simon Roloff | Kris Pint | Nadia Sels | Goda Palekaitė | Maria Gil Ulldemolins | Anna T. | Marinos Koutsomichalis | Phoenix Savage | Regina Dürig | Marjolijn van den Berg | Nirav Christophe | Daniela Moosmann | Ninke Overbeek


June 19, 2021

June, 20, 25, 26, 27
hourly beginning 15:00 / 16:00 / 17:00 / 18:00

Questionology – Programm für Angewandtes Fragen

Performance and Environment
co-produced by brut Wien
Rustenschacherallee 2-4
Zentrum Fokus Forschung

“We are standing outdoors. Our pelvic floor is ready, our gaze is wide. Slowly, we zoom in: Solar system. Earth. Austria. Vienna. Zentrum Fous Forschung, brick. Welcome to Questionology, the world’s first walk-in research programme for Applied Questioning. Everything is already there. All we need is the right move to get it out.”

Concept, Environment Cordula Daus and Charlotta Ruth Programming Sound Simon Repp Re-searchers Waltraud Brauner, Cordula Daus, [M] Dudeck, Gilbert Grünbühel, Imani Rameses, Charlotta Ruth Architecture Hinnerk Utermann Object design Susanne Song-Yi Griem, Sofia Romberg Logo Vasilis Marmatakis Graphic design Maiko Sakurai Karner Collaboration Sound installation Thomas Grill/rotting sounds Collaboration Installation Office Margarete Jahrmann/Neuromatic Game Art Production Dominik Grünbühel Technical Support Felipe Duque

With the kind support of Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien and Bundesministeriums für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlichen Dienst und Sport

Thanks to Sebastian Bark, Cornelia Bast, Philipp Ehmann and Steffi Hofer


November 1, 2020

Elise-Richter-PEEK fellowship

I’m very happy to announce that I received a four-year fellowship by The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) for my artistic research project Outer Woman.


October 22 - 24, 2020

Questionology – The Research Question

Alliances & Commonalities
Conference on Artistic Research
Stockholm University of the Arts

Cordula Daus and Charlotta Ruth

Questionology starts with an online questionnaire. Answers morph and reappear. The aim is to focus and get in touch with The Research Question. A series of games help to move us closer. What happens when the question, the questioner, and the questioned meet? And what happens when they change sides? Where are we now?

Bild: Doris Loeffler
Bild: Doris Loeffler

January 15, 2020


Lecture Performance

by Cordula Daus
„Let’s fabulate“
Universität für Angewandte Kunst
Room 21/4. Stock
Vordere Zollamtgasse 7
1030 Vienna

Kay (1970-2038) is a woman and fiction by Cordula Daus. In her exercises with Ran, Rek, Seth, Wolf, Jens etc. Kay is seeking for new feeling scripts: meaning lesser sex! But how is this supposed to work, if women are still places through which children are conceived, gestated and born?

Photo: LBachmann
Photo: LBachmann

October 24, 2019


Continental Drift - Lecture Performance

Atelierhaus Salzamt

Finissage mit einer Lecture Performance von Cordula Daus
und Sound Performance von Sebastian Six und Laurien Bachmann

Installation View, photo: LBachmann
Installation View, photo: LBachmann

October 9 - 25, 2019

Continental Drift - Exhibition

Atelierhaus Salzamt

In der Ausstellung „Continental Drift“ werden geodynamische Bewegungen der vermeintlich starren Erde, die darauf basierenden fixierten Vorstellungen von Grenzen sowie deren kulturell historische Auswirkungen thematisiert. Ankerpunkt hierbei bildet insbesondere der Südamerikanische Kontinent, dessen wandelbare Landschaften und seine BewohnerInnen. Die teilnehmenden internationalen KünstlerInnen loten akustisch, filmisch, fotografisch und sprachlich Räume aus und erforschen so die erwähnten Aspekte.

KünstlerInnen: Constanza Alarcón Tennen, Tiziana Panizza, Cordula Daus, Alexander Glandien, Sebastian Six, Laurien Bachmann

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