Photo: Fabian Weiss
September 7, 2022
Automated Writing
Zentrum Fokus Forschung
Rustenschacherallee 2-4
1020 Vienna
This workshop invites to a series of exercises that strategically confuse the binaries between free/automated writing and human/machine thinking. We will play with words, code and the relational space that emerges between participants. The focus is on how analogue and digitally interfered constrained writing can support experimental and collaborative thinking processes.
The exercises are part of Questionology an ongoing art project and research environment conceived by writer-artist Cordula Daus and choreographer Charlotta Ruth. Together with our collaborator, the programmer Simon Repp and the participants of the workshop we will activate some of Questionology’s core elements. The workshop takes place within the Almost Doctor Festival by Charlotta Ruth & friends.
July 1, 2022
Language-based Artistic Research
13th SAR Confererence 2022
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Hörsaal A
presented by: Emma Cocker, Cordula Daus and Lena Séraphin
In July we will be in Weimar, Germany, introducing the activities of the Special Interest Group of Language-based Artistic Research as part of the Society of Artistic Research Conference 2022. For a more detailed program please click here.
photo: Björklund
May 31 - June 5, 2022
Wording – Writing in Public Space
Vasa, Finland
with: Emma Cocker, Andrea Coyotzi, Cordula Daus, Vidha Saumya, Lena Séraphin
conceived and organised by Lena Séraphin, and funded by the Pro Artibus Foundation.
A group of 5 writers will come together to write on the market square Salutorget in Vasa, Finland. The aim is to investigate collaborative writing in public space as a method and to try out different writing assignments – especially with a focus on the implications of writing in public space. Wording is inspired by the French writer Georges Perec and his experimental book Tentative d’épuisement d’un lieu parisien, or An Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris.
Interview with Dromedary, March 2022
March 3 - 28, 2022
Artist Residency in the Moroccan Desert
Speculative Fiction in Art
Tissardmine/Moroccan Desert
with: Javi Acevedo, Alexander Cromer, Cordula Daus, [M] Dudeck, Marcin Gawin, Leomar Imperator, Marie-Andrée Pellerin, Martina Ramponi
February 15, 2022
Affinities + Urgencies in Language-based Artistic Research II
How can we support the emergence of different species of proximity and community within the field of expanded language-based practices: we-ness and near-ness; participation; observation; conversation; caring/curation; listening; hosting; guesting; audiencing; supporting; bearing witness; hearing out; sharing time; sharing resources, world-building?
A day-long online gathering comprised of a series of sessions led or facilitated by different individuals or groups for engaging with a specific thematic focus, a field of attraction and resonant affinity, or a matter of urgency relating to language-based artistic research. For more information on the programme, see here.
Organized by: Emma Cocker, Cordula Daus, Lena Séraphin and Alexander Damianisch
With contributions from: Rachel Armstrong | Breg Horemans | Rolf Hughes | Virginia Tassinari | Alex Arteaga | Rachel Armstrong | Emma Cocker | Christo Doherthy | Anne Mette Frandsen | Hélèn Frichot | Lidia Gasperoni | Luis Guerra | Rolf Hughes | Maiju Luokola | Jane Rendell | Stefan Winter | Rosie Heinrich | Sepideh Karami | Steve Dutton | Adelheid Mers | Mariana Renthel | Anouk Hoogendoorn
December 7, 2021
Affinities + Urgencies in Language-based Artistic Research I
Online Gathering
Organized by: Emma Cocker, Cordula Daus, Lena Séraphin and Alexander Damianisch
For a more details see here.
With contributions from:
Kirsi Heimonen | Rebecca Hilton | Chrysa Parkinson | Leena Rouhiainen | Marjolijn van den Berg | Rachel Smith | Marinos Koutsomichalis | Rob Flint | Andrew Hauner | Simon Roloff | Kris Pint | Nadia Sels | Goda Palekaitė | Maria Gil Ulldemolins | Anna T. | Marinos Koutsomichalis | Phoenix Savage | Regina Dürig | Marjolijn van den Berg | Nirav Christophe | Daniela Moosmann | Ninke Overbeek
June 19, 2021
June, 20, 25, 26, 27
hourly beginning 15:00 / 16:00 / 17:00 / 18:00
Questionology – Programm für Angewandtes Fragen
Performance and Environment
co-produced by brut Wien
Rustenschacherallee 2-4
Zentrum Fokus Forschung
“We are standing outdoors. Our pelvic floor is ready, our gaze is wide. Slowly, we zoom in: Solar system. Earth. Austria. Vienna. Zentrum Fous Forschung, brick. Welcome to Questionology, the world’s first walk-in research programme for Applied Questioning. Everything is already there. All we need is the right move to get it out.”
Concept, Environment Cordula Daus and Charlotta Ruth Programming Sound Simon Repp Re-searchers Waltraud Brauner, Cordula Daus, [M] Dudeck, Gilbert Grünbühel, Imani Rameses, Charlotta Ruth Architecture Hinnerk Utermann Object design Susanne Song-Yi Griem, Sofia Romberg Logo Vasilis Marmatakis Graphic design Maiko Sakurai Karner Collaboration Sound installation Thomas Grill/rotting sounds Collaboration Installation Office Margarete Jahrmann/Neuromatic Game Art Production Dominik Grünbühel Technical Support Felipe Duque
With the kind support of Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien and Bundesministeriums für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlichen Dienst und Sport
Thanks to Sebastian Bark, Cornelia Bast, Philipp Ehmann and Steffi Hofer
October 22 - 24, 2020
Questionology – The Research Question
Cordula Daus and Charlotta Ruth
Questionology starts with an online questionnaire. Answers morph and reappear. The aim is to focus and get in touch with The Research Question. A series of games help to move us closer. What happens when the question, the questioner, and the questioned meet? And what happens when they change sides? Where are we now?